01. Getting to know you
We always want to start by getting to know you and the team, just like a meet cute in a coffee shop. It's important for us to catch up with the team and be on the same page in a short time, pulling everyone together in collaborative environments like, slack, google docs and video chat tools.
02. Discovery
Where to begin? Let’s start by getting to know each other, no detail left out. Don’t worry we aren’t stalkers, we are just super passionate about digging deep into your vision. We know from experience this creates everlasting collaborations.
Getting down to it, we collaborate using past material, present ideas and roadmaps. We build future proof.
03. Collaborative environments
We want everyone involved to align as much as possible, from stakeholders to project leads. We share everything so we all see the why and how, dipping in at your own fidelity.
04. Developing ideas
Here is where we spend our time formulating ideas of reaching set goals. This is all done before any design is started. We live in documents, alongside you, arriving at a point at which everyone is on board.
05. Building Narratives
Whether it's brand or product design there is always a narrative we’re trying to communicate. We document these stories and look at the tone to determine whether it meets the needs of the audience, pulling out words and adding constraints for context.