Creating a brand new platform for an Orthogenomic Biotech who provide healthcare professionals with patient focused tools to eliminate the failure of implants

Brand & Marketing Design
A Webflow Project
Build with Webflow
ExplantLab Brand Development

Quickly figuring out that healthcare professionals and patients are two very different crowds, we worked around narrative to establish a key interest to both audiences - creating the best patient outcomes. Focusing around ExplantLab's ground breaking research fitting into part of a larger puzzle. Boosted by a branding refresh and shiny new Webflow website.

ExplantLab had some prior branding with Gravita and so we were pleased when they came back for help with a total refocus of the website. We were honoured to help launch 'Orthotype' with this inspiring team.

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ExplantLab needed as many tools as possible to help them with their drive to grow and set a new industry standard which is lacking in the space.

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There were quite a few complex concepts at play, for example the process of Orthotype which would need a simple yet technical flow. We worked with Kuro Animation to create 3D animations and began to integrate them into Webflow animations.

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